A fruitilicious recipe prepared with fresh fruits and some dry fruits.

Fruit Chutney

By Anamika Modi

Jun, 13th


4 persons
Cook Time
20 minutes
9 - 11


  • as required Green grapes
  • Black Grapes
  • Red Grapes
  • Plum
  • Small Apple
  • Pomegranate
  • Cashew Nuts few
  • as per need Raisins
  • 1 Lemon
  • Sugar as required
  • Dates optional


  • Deseed & cut the grapes into halves or if big size cut into 4pcs. Boil 1/2cup water. Boil the dates & plum together just to soften them. Use accurate water so that no water will be needed to strain.
  • In a pan boil sugar & water in 1:2 ratio. Just bring it to boil add the dates & plum(mash before adding) along with the remaining water. Squeeze lemon,add a pinch of salt & stir at low flame. No need to cook much. Add the broken nuts & raisins. Put off the flame.
  • Let it cool. Now add the fresh fruits & mix well. (Do not use too much fruits as it will not taste good. Remember not to add the fruits while the preparation is hot to retain the colour of the fruits.)


Have it as a sider with meal